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The application of CAFCO® BLAZE-SHIELD® II / ISOLATEK® Type II, CAFCO BLAZE-SHIELD II HS / ISOLATEK Type II HS and CAFCO BLAZE-SHIELD HP / ISOLATEK Type HP consists of conditioning the material through the application equipment and pneumatically conveying it through the hose to the nozzle where atomized water is introduced. The spray is then directed at the substrate and applied in an even uninterrupted pattern.
In order to obtain optimal results, the following spray equipment setup for “Dry Spray” CAFCO® / ISOLATEK® Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials (SFRMs) is required:
- The application equipment consists of a hopper, feed auger, carding system, airlock and blower.
- A water booster pump with a reservoir tank must be used to ensure proper water pressure and volume.
- An air compressor may be required (if using an air/water nozzle) to provide sufficient air pressure at the nozzle.
- A transfer hose with a smooth interior, rubber or plastic is used. The hose must be resistant to static build-up.
- Lightweight flex hose (whip hose) with a smooth interior, rubber or plastic may be used.
- The hose must be lightweight and flexible to allow mobility at the nozzle, and must resist static build up. The maximum whip hose length is 25 ft. (8 m).
- When material hoses exceed 250 ft. (76 m), aluminum or conduit metal standpipe must be used (approximately 3 stories).
- At the option of the installer, a lightweight aluminum pipe or conduit pole guns may be used. A section of flexible hose with rope attached is used at the top of the pole gun allowing for spray application flexibility. Pole gun length must not exceed 12 ft. (3.6 m)
- The spray nozzle is typically a plastic or metal sleeve with a ring of water jets located around the perimeter. The water jets atomize the water and uniformly wet the material before it reaches the substrate. The water activates the hydraulic binding system which gives the product its strength.
Refer to our Short Form Application Manuals in the Product literature section of the website for further information.
The information contained herein is not intended to replace a thorough understanding of Isolatek application guidelines. For further information on all application methods contact Isolatek International or one of our business partners.
Hoses/ Couplings/ Reducers
High pressure grout hose for plaster, grout and cement applications. Screw-on type quick connect/disconnect couplings which do not restrict product flow reducers.
View Suppliers >Test Kits
View Suppliers >Acceptable substrates for sprayed fire resistive materials are structural steel, steel deck and concrete. Careful preparation of these substrates is important. This preparation ensures that the durability of the fire protection system is maintained and the required level of adhesion is achieved.
All substrates to be protected with the fire protection system must be prepared such that they are free from dirt, dust, oil, incompatible primers or other contamination that would impair the adhesion. The recommended substrate for optimal adhesion is clean bare steel and galvanized decking. However, at times primed steel is necessary, especially in areas where long term corrosion protection is necessary. The following items briefly outline additional recommended steel substrate preparation for steelwork, decking and concrete.
For interior application, CAFCO® / ISOLATEK® fire protection materials can be installed directly to clean bare steel substrates without the use of additional reinforcement.
For certain applications, specifically on coated steel substrates, mechanical reinforcement is necessary. This is done by means of galvanized metal lath or galvanized or plastic coated galvanized woven wire or hexagonal mesh.
Galvanized metal lath is secured to the substrate in either a strip, contour or boxed configuration in accordance with Isolatek’s application Instructions and design guidelines. For applications where galvanized or plastic coated mesh is used, the mesh is secured to the steel by use of stud welded, helical or powder actuated fasteners. The reinforcing mesh is held to the substrate at the fixing points, and then pulled away from the substrate to the middle third of the total thickness of the product as it is being applied.
For painted / primed steel applications, a specific level of adhesion must be maintained to the steel substrate in accordance with manufacturer, industry or laboratory guidelines. Many times in order to achieve this adhesion to the substrate, a primer / sealer / key coat, adhesive and/or mechanical reinforcement are necessary.
Specific guides are necessary, when applying fireproofing materials in accordance with the guidelines set-forth by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). An explanation of these guidelines can be found within Isolutions Number 5.
Proper adhesion of product depends upon rigid substrates and the absence of damaging forces such as impact or excessive forces.
It is important to make certain that roof traffic, incomplete roof work, deck spans with deflections greater than L/240 when subjected to a 250 lb. (113 kg) vertical center load do not exist before applying product.
CAFCO / ISOLATEK fireproofing products require the use of CAFCO BOND-SEAL / ISOLATEK Type EBS adhesive installed to the underside of all roof deck (without concrete) and painted/primed floor deck, directly prior to the application of the fireproofing material to the underside of the decking.
For painted / primed decking, a specific level of adhesion must be maintained to the steel substrate in accordance with manufacturer, industry or laboratory guidelines. In addition, testing laboratory specific guidelines must be met. For certain applications, complete coverage of metal lath reinforcement may be necessary.
Specific procedure must be followed when applying fireproofing materials in accordance with the guidelines set-forth by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). An explanation of these guidelines can be found within Isolutions Number 6.
Residual form oils, and parting compounds or paint/primers must be removed with a suitable commercial cleaning compound. Contact the substrate manufacturer or supplier for cleaning recommendations. Depending upon the fireproofing material being used, either CAFCO BOND-SEAL adhesive, CAFCO PRE-COAT / ISOLATEK Type PC or metal lath is required prior to the application of product.
The information contained herein is not intended to replace a thorough understanding of Isolatek application guidelines. For further information on all application methods contact Isolatek International or one of our business partners.
Maintenance of Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials
Routine maintenance performed through testing and inspection of Spray-Applied Fireproofing, also known as Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials (SFRMs), ensures that the product will be in-place for the design life of the structure and perform in actual building fire conditions.
Commercial structures undergo renovations and upgrades related to tenant change and use & occupancy change.
As a result, partitions and walls may be removed, electrical wiring re-directed, mechanical equipment removed/replaced, and roof systems changed. When these conditions exist, any SFRM is susceptible to damage caused by impact and this can result in SFRM delamination. Structural steel beams, joists, columns, and decking may then be vulnerable to the damaging effects of fire.
The procedures outlined below are intended as a guide for inspection testing of SFRMs while conducting your periodic maintenance program.
- Identify all areas throughout the structure that have undergone a renovation or upgrade since the previous inspection. In addition, identify all
areas that are susceptible to periodic or regular maintenance traffic and periodic or regular public traffic. - Visually inspect the aforementioned areas and note all SFRM deficiencies such as material that has been removed or damaged.
- Inspect surrounding SFRM near the damaged areas to ensure the required thicknesses and cohesion/adhesion characteristics are maintained.
- Identify the type of SFRM utilized to protect the structural steel framework; i.e. beams, joists, columns, and decking. The type of SFRM can usually be determined by reviewing construction documents or by contacting SFRM Manufacturers.
- Obtain instructions from the applicable SFRM Manufacturer detailing the repair procedures for the exact SFRM type that has been damaged.
- Secure a sufficient quantity of SFRM from the applicable Manufacturer or contact the Manufacturer for names of qualified installers of the SFRM type. Repair of the existing SFRM shall be performed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s published installation instructions.
Download Maintenance of Spray Applied Fire Resistive Materials (SFRM) PDF
- ASTM E605 – “Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members”
- ASTM E736 – “Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members”
- AWCI – “Technical Manual 12-A Third Edition – Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of Field Applied Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials; an Annotated Guide”
Isolatek International believes that Building Owners/Managers should develop and implement a comprehensive plan detailing a Periodic Inspection and Maintenance Program for SFRMs. Should you have further questions pertaining to this matter, please contact the Isolatek International Technical Service Department at 800.631.9600, extension 269.
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