Quick Resources

CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB is a rigid, compressed mineral wool board which provides an alternative fireproofing method when spraying is not practical due to unique construction or building conditions. It is the industry’s ultimate fireproofing solution, overcoming a wide range of challenges including out-of- sequence construction phases, space constraints, freezing weather conditions and construction roof traffic.

Due to its mechanical fastening method and patented CAFCLIP™ system, CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB provides secure fire protection to substrates regardless of their condition or construction sequencing.

CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB can be used in conjunction with CAFCO / ISOLATEK Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials (SFRMs) to protect perimeter beams and columns to allow for the building to be enclosed prior to the application of the SFRM.

Due to its high recycled content, CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB contributes significantly to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program credits.

  • Provides an alternative fireproofing method when out of sequence roof construction schedules exist or when spraying is not practical due to space constraints or freezing temperatures.
  • Meets or exceeds all major fire protection specifications for Commercial structures including ANSI/ UL 263, ASTM E119 and CAN/ ULC-S101.
  • Resistant to deflection and impact forces associated with typical construction roof traffic and periodic maintenance activities.
  • Mechanical fastening methods provide secure bond to substrates eliminating additional surface preparations.
  • High recycled content (70% pre-consumer) provides significant LEED program credits.
  • Can be installed over substrates where rust, oil or loose mill scale conditions exist.
  • Inorganic material formulation does not promote mold or fungal growth.
  • Available in three versions : unfaced, white foil-faced, and silver foil-faced.
  • Can be applied in all temperatures, with no need for tarping, ventilating, or heating of work area.
  • Ideal for limited clearance, high vibration, high humidity and retrofit applications.
Product Uses

When spraying is not a practical approach to providing fire protection due to out of sequence construction, space constraints, freezing temperatures, or time limitations. CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB is ideal for retrofit applications, seismic activity zones, moment connection framing and abatement projects where speed of installation, limited clearance when spray-application is not feasible at perimeter wall location.

Provides up to 4 hours fire protection for columns, up to 3 hours protection for beams and floor/ceiling assemblies and up to 2 hours protection for roof assemblies in commercial and industrial construction.

Fire Tests & Approvals

In order to meet the performance and durability criteria set forth by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and other major industry specifying organizations, CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB has undergone the most rigorous testing in accordance with the world’s most demanding safety protocols.

Cellulosic – ANSI/UL263 (ASTM E119) – Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials

This cellulosic fire test is traditionally used to evaluate materials for use in the protection of modern day commercial structures. This test reaches 537°C (1000°F) after 5 minutes and gradually reaches a temperature of 1093°C (2000°F) after a period of 4 hours.

CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB is classified by Underwriters Laboratories for up to 4 hours protection in accordance with the cellulosic fire test and is listed within various UL Designs.

UL Classification Mark

The UL Classification Mark indicates compliance with global requirements as it relates to a specific risk or casualty. With the Classification service, UL determines that a manufacturer has demonstrated the ability to produce a product complying with UL’s requirements with respect to one or more of the following:

  • Specific risk, e.g., casualty, fire, etc.
  • Performance under specific conditions
  • Compliance with regulatory codes
  • Compliance with specific standards such as international standards
  • Other condition, as determined by UL

All of the products carrying a UL Classification Mark are covered by UL’s Follow-Up Services program to verify that products carrying the UL Classification Mark continue to be manufactured in compliance with UL’s safety requirements.

New York City Materials and Equipment Acceptance (MEA)

An MEA Number is the number assigned to a product that has been approved for use in New York City by the MEA Division. CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB has been reviewed and MEA numbers have been assigned.

The MEA division regulates “certain materials and equipment (that) require Department of Buildings acceptance.” These manufactured items affect public safety, health and welfare (including structural stability and fire safety) and are usually a permanent part of a building.

Major Specification and Approval Compliance

CAFCO-BOARD / ISOLATEK Type CB complies with the requirements of the following specifications:

  • MasterSpec®, Section 078100 – APPLIED FIREPROOFING (AIA)
  • MasterFormat® 2014, Section 07 81 00 Applied Fireproofing (CSC,CSI)
  • Unified Facilities Guide Specification, UFGS-07 81 00 Spray-Applied Fireproofing (USACE, NAVFAC, AFCEC, NASA)
  • Master Construction Specifications, Number 07 81 00 Applied Fireproofing (VA)
  • Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40: Protection of the Environment (EPA)
  • PBS-P100 Faclities Standards for the Public Buildings Services (GSA)

ASTM Physical Performance Standards

Test Performance*
Rigid Board Fire Resistive Materials (IFRM’s)

Physical Property

ASTM Standard



Nominal 9 pcf (144 kg/m3)

Surface Burning Characteristics


Flame Spread – 0
Smoke Developed – 0

Sound Absorption


1.00 NRC 2″ (51mm)
1.10 NRC 4″ (102 mm)

Thermal Properties


Conductivity[k]-0.24 BTU in/hr ft2 oF @ 75 oF
(0.034 W/m•K @ 24 oC)
Resistance [R/inch]-4.20

Sound Transmission

STC 10 @ 1″ (25 mm)
STC 15 @ 2″ (51 mm)
STC 18 @ 3″ (76 mm)

Fungal Resistance


Zero Growth After 28 Days

*Based on independent laboratory tests under controlled conditions.

Product Name

Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

Application Guide




UL Designs & Thicknesses

UL Designs & Thicknesses for Isolatek’s passive fireproofing materials for the commercial and construction industry.

Learn more

ISOLATEK INTERNATIONAL provides passive fireproofing materials under the CAFCO® and FENDOLITE® trademarks throughout the Americas and under the ISOLATEK® trademark throughout the world.

Isolatek International
41 Furnace Street
Stanhope, NJ 07874
800-631-9600 | 973-347-1200

© 2022 Isolatek International, All Rights Reserved.